
3D PRINTED TEXTILER http://www.freedomofcreation.com/page/33 While exploring the possibilities of 3D printing already in 2000 Jiri Evenhuis came up with the idea to create textiles. These textile designed by Jiri Evenhuis and Janne Kyttanen in 2003 are selected for the permanent collection of the MOMA, New York.
JELLY TILE http://ianwright01.wordpress.com/2008/10/14/materials/ Soft, supple and viscous, Jelly Tiles adhere to all flat, smooth surfaces. The design of a wall decorated with Jelly Tiles can be changed every day if desired, as the tiles are easy to remove and rearrange. To restore their sheen and adhesive properties, simply immerse them in a basin of warm water. Thanks to the translucence of the polyurethane gel used to make the product, Jelly Tile can be combined with lighting to create any number of unique visual effects.

1 comentario:

  1. interessants materials però seria necessari saber les seves propietats i un link a la casa que els fabrica o els ha inventat.
